Page name: Character of FolkLore [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-09-01 08:10:39
Last author: shadow_walker
Owner: Piplup
# of watchers: 5
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Please use this character sheet:

Character Name:
Physical Appearance: [includes clothing, hair and eye color, scars (if he/she has any), facial features, Jewelry (if any), and body shape (thin, muscular, overweight)]
Powers: [please keep it limited]
Abilities (talents):
Weapons: [keep it limited to five or less]
Strengths: [Including that of emotional strengths, not just physical]
Weaknesses: [Including that of emotional weaknesses, not just physical]
Loved One:
Companions (friends):

Username: [shadow_walker]
Character Name: Talos De Lint
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire
Age: 18
Personality: Talos is normally cold and detached from everything around him this comes from harsh occurences in his past though from time to time he does lose his temper and can be very dangerous those that have ever seen him fight or heard of him doing it know that he has no mercy for his enemies especially for those of the Argent Dawn
Physical Appearance:Talos wears a black shirt with gothic scroll work on it over that he wears a long blacl leather jacket along with blue jeans and black boots. his hair is black and normally cut short along with dark colored green eyes that turn red when very angry or he is hungry. Talos only has one outstanding thing on his face and that is the small scar that runs straight down from his left eye as well as the scars that cover his body from his brothers re-education, Talos wears two black rings on his left hand on the first two fingers both hold red stones in them, Talos is then but well muscled though its lean muscle
Height: 6'0
Weight: 160
Powers: Talos has the normal vampiric powers but excels at one above most others and that is what most have come to call blink speed a near instant travle over short distances
Abilities (talents): Talos normally fights in a single style called the zero stance where he simply stands there reacting to the opponent
Weapons: single edged sword that he only carries if he is going to a fight though he is normally seen carring a Khukri as well 
Strengths: Talos has strong emotional detachment meaning normally he can see some of the worst horrors commited right in front of him and will be unfazed along with this he has a dont retreat attitude instead throwing himself head long into almost any fight.
Weaknesses: Talos has the weaknesses of a vampire if sunlight touches his skin he burns and silver burns him and fire can hurt him greatly as well, Talos can also be baited into somthing if the person knows where to press knows that he is a warrior but challenges it or even if they can tempt him with fresh blood
Hobbies: Talos doesnt really have hobbies maybe other than taking care of his weapons or doing some job for his brother.
Relatives: his brother Magnus along with his sister in law and niece though they normally have nothing to do with him his only contact with his family is with his brother
Loved One: none....
Companions (friends): Seusyn Fenesra
History: Talos is thee youngest son of the first familie of the seven vampire families and also the only member of any of the families to break there rules he went rogue and began to not only stalk and drink humans to death but he also drank others of lore kind to death taking every drop of there blood after a few years of him doing this his brother Magnus finally tracked him down and using some of his best soldiers tried to capture him he fought and killed several even drinking one to death before Magnus managed to subdue him after that the remaining soldiers took Talos back to the large manor that Magnus lived, there they bound and tortured Talos burning him in sunlight or using special hollowed out spike and stabbing them into him they poured in molten silver only to have to cut it out along with that Magnus had him starved of blood only to have some one with a bleeding wound on the other side of his cell door until finally they broke his mind it was then that Magnus re-educated him making him stop drinking from a living being and instead drinking bagged or bottled blood after he was released Talos was put to work for Magnus however there was a problem with Talos he didnt drink blood as often enough instead starving himself when asked why Talos says its because it makes him a better hunter

Username: [wicked fae mage]
Character Name: Chadin
Gender: female
Race: elf
Age: 18
Personality: She is nurturing, kind, passionate, creative, proud, a leader at heart, a little bossy at times, and stubborn
Physical Appearance: She has flowing blonde hair that reaches the dip of her back. Her eyes are a fiery red, her flesh is extremely pale. She is lithe and light on her feet with a peteit build.

She wears a short red skirt and a white button-up blouse. She also wears fashionable red high heeled shoes and a red ribbon around her neck that is supposed to protect her from vampires. On her hands she has white fishnets and a red ring on each finger of her hands, save her thumbs.
Height: She is just over five feet tall.
Weight: She weighs 130lbs.
Powers: She can condense emotions into an energy attack (she must have physical contact to attack using this, however)
Abilities (talents): She is very light on her feet, agile and elusive.
Weapons: She has but a sinlge knife made of silver
Strengths: She is good at speedy battles and fluid motions and her pride gives her confidence
Weaknesses: She tires easily, and her pride is easily wounded
Hobbies: She studies meditation, martial arts and mythological creatures in her spare time
Pets: N/A
Relatives: N/A
Loved One:N/A
Companions (friends): None at the moment
History: She is hell bent on not becoming a vampire and of keeping peaceful relations between humans and elves. She came from her small village to the city to study human culture and was looped into it. She makes a living as a vampire hunter and slayer in order to keep the peace.

Username: [Piplup]
Character Name: Seusyn Fenesra
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire
Age: 17
Personality: Seusyn is an outgoing, smart, talented, but most of all caring. For her race, to be so tender and kind to others is very unknown, or rare her case. But she has found favor in some of her kin’s. She loves to make others smile, and to hear laughter. Seusyn has a cool feel to when you first meet her.  
Physical Appearance: Seusyn is tall and lean, with the prefect toned body after years of training. Her long dark red hair, with its natural bouncy curly waves, her pale skin, that are completed by her light blue eyes. She doesn’t really care for the her clothing choice, Just that she enjoys wearing skinny jeans with her black high heel boots and a tank top, with her favorite brown leather jacket. She has a scare mark on her neck, which is faded, but can still be seen. 
Height: 5’7
Weight: 125
Powers: Seusyn can read a person emotion even when they don’t show any, she has heighten sense.
Abilities (talents): Seusyn, can entrance any man or women that comes he way, charm and manners, the simple tricks brought to a new level. She also can fight like a man.
Weapons: She uses a Chinese butterfly blade, its red, with rubies imbedded in the blade, it was a gift.
Strengths: Seusyn has been trained in most fighting styles before she was turned.
Weaknesses: her heart, if someone was being used against her, she would throw in the towel at once if she couldn’t help the person.
Hobbies: She loves to paint and bake things. She does everything to get Talos to get her baked goods, even if that means throwing them at him.
Pets: N/A
Relatives: Dead
Loved One: …>.>;;
Companions (friends): Talos
History: Seusyn family was once a famous group of hunters, who were all killed the evening that Talos was caught by his brother . She was home when her parents and younger brother were killed, at the brink of death herself, if it wasn’t for Talos brother finding her, she would’ve been dead. After all was said and done, Seusyn was turned only to be Talos which dog in away, to keep him from trouble. But really he became her best friend, instead of hating him, she ended caring more about him than anything. To her, Talos was the only person she had left in her life and wanted to be with him. Even if he wasn’t all there emotionally, she had made it personal goal to change that. Seusyn was so use to the vampire life she had pretty much forgotten her human life. Seusyn came from a long line of hunters, a rumor even that of van hellsing, Seusyn had forgotten much of her family, only being able to remember little things here and there. Seusyn great grandmother was a famous hunter who, believed in the idea as fea and other things such as vampire could share and be equal. When she was a young woman she would never hunt for the hell of it, only if a demon, werewolf, even vampire if it went rouge and harmed human life. Other than that she had learned to befriend many elves and fairy folk alike. She was said to have such a bright light, which allowed her special powers over holly magic and light, able to bend it into a soiled form. Seusyn didn’t know that much about this woman, but her father once said to her “You look way to much like my grandmother Victoria Fenesra… Your great Grand mama. ” Seusyn history and who she really is a very dangerous and painful story, one she’ll have to figure out… 

Username:[~Crimson Angel~]
Character Name:Blaine Smith
Personality:He's nice, but really shy, and doesn't like to talk much.
Physical Appearance: He wears black and white clothes mostly suits, but he will wear black jeans and t-shits. He has redish brown eyes, he's thin, he wears a locket around his neck, and he has a scar on his back in the shape of a star.
Weight:150 lbs
Powers:He can move things with his mind, and he can become invisible
Abilities (talents):He can run really fast, he can play the piano, and he can also play the cello.
Weapons:Swords, daggers, a cane that he carries around with him, and a gun.
Strengths:He's not gullible, even though he is thin he has muscle power, he's faster than most.
Weaknesses:He has a short temper and gets angry easily, his mind tends to wander off during a fight, and he tends to be immature when he should be serious.
Hobbies:He loves to play music, he likes to write poetry, and he likes to write songs
Pets:He has a black wolf named Midnight who is 50 years old.
Loved One:Deceased
Companions (friends):His wolf,but that is it.
History:He grew up in a small village, when he was actually 17 his village was attacked by some Vampires that didn't like humans, they killed everyone in the village while he was in the forest with his girlfriend,when they returned and saw their family and friends dead they fled fearing that the vampires would return, before they left they made a shrine for their family and friends,and buried them. Blaine married his girlfriend sortly after and when they were 20 she was killed by the same vampires that killed there famlies and friends, while he had went to get food for them when he returned and found her dead he was attacked by the vampires that had stayed behind he put up a good fight almost killing one of the vampires so the leader snuck up on him while he was distracted and bit him and then he and the other vampires left after turning Blaine into a vampire and knocking him out,he now lives alone with a wolf that can live for up to 500 years.

Character Name:Stylus Grand
Personality:Stylus hates it when things are quiet and tries to make things as interesting as possible, he is known to dispose of things when they grow old to him. Although he is in no way “cruel” he also isn’t the nicest person in the world, especially when you bore him. Stylus handles every situation with enthusiasm with no fear for death, believing with all of his heart that there is something after this life as well. This drives him to fight with all of his strength hoping to show others his real power and prove that he himself isn’t boring.
Physical Appearance:<img:>
Weight:145 lbs
Powers: the use of magic primarily storm magic such as lighting as well as the racial trait of Goblins,the ability to devour magic through physical touch however unlike other goblins Stylus does not change physically when he does so.
Abilities (talents):Casting spells without incantations
Weapons: A scepter with a sword on one end.
Strengths:Strong physically and mentally,fearless
Weaknesses:Head strong,easily bored.
Hobbies:competitive challenges as well as spell craft
Pets:Reavers:Two large beasts wearing bone armor,they rarely leave Stylus' side however they may seem intimidating they rarely attack without stylus' word
Loved One:none
Companions (friends):A troop of Goblin cohorts who follow his orders some of which are more powerful than others
History:Stylus was born to the hidden community of Goblins long ago,their society thriving off of one another devouring their own magic to get that drug like buzz,This caused adverse effects in the society not one goblin looks like another,each deformed by magic consumption. Stylus however did not change.This gave him slight authority over the others, He used this leverage to become the king of goblins. He more recently used his power to reveal the goblins to the world. No longer hiding he awaits a challenge.

Username: [LinkTurrner]
Character Name: James
Gender: Male
Race: Half lycan half vampire
Age: 14
Personality: He's out going and speacks his mind. He stands up for his belifes. His friends and the people he cares about are the most imporant things in his life. He would do any thing for them even kill him self. He doesn't care what any one thinks or says about him.
Physical Appearance: He has raven black that even shins blue in some lights, and metalic green eyes. He's tall for his age but thin. He has an amimal bite scar on his right leg and a scar that looks like claws running down his left arm.
Height: 6'1
Weight: ummm thin
Powers: He can make a black fire and contol it
Abilities (talents): Drawing, and fighting with a long sword
Weapons: sword, and long bow
Strengths: He cares about friends and loved ones he would do any thing for them. He stands up for his belifes.
Weaknesses: He cares about friends and loved ones he would do any thing for them.
Hobbies: He doesn't tell any one, but he loves to draw.
Pets: none
Relatives: none
Loved One: none
Companions (friends): none
History: He doen't rember any thing of his history before he was 13. He woke up in the woods, and now wonders around trying to see if any one notices who he is. But he does stay hidden knowing that he could be killed.

Mordecai Solomon <= [The Dizzy Raven]

Username: [NickOwabi]
Character Name: Marcus Corvinus
Gender: Male
Race: Damphir: Half Vampire/Half Human
Age: 25
Personality: Marcus usually gets along great with other people of Lore due to his human nature. But when he gets really angry, his Vampiric half takes over and he becomes violent. 
Physical Appearance: Marcus has a scar going from the middle of his forehead down over his left eye, ending in the middle of his left cheek. He has a scar along the left side of his neck and a bloodred tattoo over his right eye. Marcus usually wears his silver hair shoulder length and tied back. He wears a full flexible chain-mail underneath his silver hunting clothes. He wears a silver colored cloak around his shoulders. He is muscular due to his years of combat training. He has grayish blue eyes that turn a dark silver when he is enraged.
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Powers: Marcus has the basic Vampire powers as well as some empathy and telepathy. He recently learned how to perform telekinesis, able to summon blue fire to his hands.
Abilities (talents): Strong and agile. Doesn't tire easily in combat. Able to regenerate after a period of time. He is also immune to sunlight and water. He can also hide easily in mist and ambush enemies.
Weapons: Hunting dagger in his right boot. English broadsword belted on his waist.
Strengths: He is very quick in combat and doesn't tire easily. He becomes concerned and protective of his friends and becomes lethal when threatened or endangered. Able to go long periods without blood.
Weaknesses: Silver and able to anger easily. Once enraged, takes a while to calm him down.
Hobbies: Practicing with his sword.
Pets: None
Relatives: None, they were murdered by Human Hunters
Loved One: None yet.
Companions (friends): None yet.
History: Marcus was born into a wealthy family. His father was a Vampire Lord and his mother was a Human Lady. He was raised by both parents who strictly adhered to the code. He was trained on how to use weapons and how to survive in the wilderness on his own. As the years progressed, he grew more stronger and more powerful. He soon became the community's Weapon Master. Not long after he turned 25, a group of 26 hunters from the Argent Dawn entered the town and began to exterminate the Lore citizens living there. The last house they attacked belonged to him and his parents. Marcus was away training at that time. His Vampire father and Human mother both fought bravely but were struck down and killed after killing more than half of the hunter enemies. The surviving hunters departed the doomed community. Marcus returned home and found the town in ruins and his parents dead. He then swore vengeance on the humans and Argent Dawn that had destroyed his family and friends. He gathered his belongings and weapons and began to seek out other vampires that were like him.

When Dawn Breaks

Username (or number or email):


2009-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: I hope my character is ok with you shadow walker.

2009-01-26 [shadow_walker]: yeah its great and to give a heads up to everyone you can make a character of any mythical race that you want

2009-02-09 [Piplup]: woot woot, finaly have a story line as why Seusyn is only half whahaha :D

2009-06-08 [Goma]: will pictures cover the appearance section?

2009-06-08 [Goma]: I hope that's alright

2009-06-09 [Piplup]: very nice, I like it

2009-06-09 [shadow_walker]: very nice the rp is growing

2009-06-09 [Piplup]: YAY!

2009-06-09 [shadow_walker]: well now things should be getting intersting I will add more races to the front page soon but if anyone finds any they want to play jjust ok them by me or piplup

2009-06-09 [Piplup]: :D

2009-06-10 [The Dizzy Raven]: oky doky. I'm probably going to create a wiki for my character just to organize it a bit. Is it possible if the wiki of my character can be put up iinstead so it doesn't take as much space? I usually type in a ton for my characters.

2009-06-10 [The Dizzy Raven]: My character is Mordecai Solomon
Let me know if it's ok

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